Year 1

Year 1 Latest News


Year One have had a very busy but productive week, we have been working hard on our class innovation of the Elephog. Our new animal is a Kanig, this has the head of a kangaroo and the body of a pig.  The children have really immersed themselves into this style of writing.  They  are now becoming more confident with adding in their own ideas and have created some lovely pieces of work.  As we move into next week , the children will begin to create their own animals and plan by creating a new story map, where they will finally apply all, they have learned to their hot write. 

In Maths we have been working with numbers to 40, first partitioning, then representing them with base 10s and 1s, and ending with comparing three different numbers using smallest to greatest.  Next week will be continuing our learning with numbers to 40 and looking at number patterns. 

During Geography this week the children became weather reporters, they used their knowledge of the types of weathers we experience through different seasons to convey what types of weathers were being experienced within the British Isles.  They were  really impressive! 


Year One have had a very busy but productive week, we have been working hard on our class innovation of the Elephog. Our new animal is a Kanig, this has the head of a kangaroo and the body of a pig.  The children have really immersed themselves into this style of writing.  They  are now becoming more confident with adding in their own ideas and have created some lovely pieces of work.  As we move into next week , the children will begin to create their own animals and plan by creating a new story map, where they will finally apply all, they have learned to their hot write. 

In Maths we have been working with numbers to 40, first partitioning, then representing them with base 10s and 1s, and ending with comparing three different numbers using smallest to greatest.  Next week will be continuing our learning with numbers to 40 and looking at number patterns. 

During Geography this week the children became weather reporters, they used their knowledge of the types of weathers we experience through different seasons to convey what types of weathers were being experienced within the British Isles.  They were  really impressive! 


This week we have ventured into the next chapter of our T4W journey and have been innovating as a class on the model text.  The children have worked extremely hard to use new and interesting adjectives to add description.  As we move into the final week of the Spring Term, they will begin to create an independent piece of writing to reflect all they have learned.  We can not wait to see their amazing stories come to life. 


In Maths we have been exploring both 2D and 3D shapes and identifying them in our environment.  The children have also created some lovely pictures using 2D shapes and used their understanding to label each of the four basic 2D shapes. 


This week all the children have taken part in some Maths and English assessments which we have named quizzes, and this really engaged them in their participation, we want to say they have shown great resilience, and we are proud of their determination. 

There has been a real excitement around our history topic this term , this week we have used our prior knowledge on ‘Neil Armstrong’ to further embed the importance of knowing about these key individuals and the reasoning behind why the moon landing was important. 

Lastly, we have built upon their great assembly knowledge about plants and delved deeper into the different types of wild and garden plants.


Year One 

What a busy week we have had in Year One!  Firstly, the Year one’s have worked extremely hard to prepare for our assembly about ‘Plants’, and we were so proud of how they presented themselves to all their parents, well done! 

We have also been busy in English; this week has seen the children working together to innovate as a class and come up with new and interesting ideas for a new setting and a new type of pot.  They have also worked on generating some lovely adjectives to add description and to allow the reader to really imagine what they are trying to convey. 

In Maths the children have been looking at number families and making the connection between addition and subtraction, this began as being quite challenging but with resilience and determination the children are really understanding how we can make the links. 

History has also been an intriguing topic this term, this week we have been learning about ‘Neil Armstrong’, and about his life.  We got to watch a clip about his moon landing which proved to be very exciting for all.  The children then created timelines to represent the key events throughout his lifetime. 


This week we have wrapped up our imitation phase in Talk 4 Writing.  We are now moving onto the class innovation, where we will change what type of cake we are making and some new and interesting ingredients.  There seems to be alot of buzz and excitement around this and we hope this will support their writing.  So, if you here that we are making some strange but imaginative cakes in Year One don’t be afraid! 

What a great week of maths, we have been learning about positional language, left and right, and how we describe the place in which someone is situated within a que or a race.  Maybe you could have some of your own races at home and get the children to describe where people finish. 

In geography this week we have delved deeper into the capital city of England, the children really enjoyed learning about different landmarks and places we could visit.  They created a map of London using images and could verbally talk about them. 


In English this week, we have been focussing on some of the key features of our instructional text. We have been looking in more detail at sub-headings, imperative verbs and exclamation marks.  The children have worked extremely hard to apply their newly taught skills especially when using imperative verbs to show direction when making a cheese and tomato sandwich.  Their work was quite impressive. 


This week in maths, we have continued to consolidate subtraction within 10 and moved onto fact families, where we have looked at the connections between addition and subtraction.  To support this, we have used the part, part whole model to enable us to see the relationships. 


Within geographym we have now moved onto looking at England and what can be found in and around it.  We began by researching key information relating to England and used the information gathered to record what they now knew.  The children seemed to enjoy retrieving the information and could engage in conversation with both adults and their peers, discussing their new found facts. 


This week has been a busy one. The children are becoming confident with our new text and we are learning the features of instructional writing.  We have had the opportunity to follow a set of instructions and make pizzas - the children thoroughly enjoyed participating in this.  In the latter part of the week, we have also looked at headings and how we use these to inform the reader. 


So far this term in Maths, we have been focussing on subtraction within 10.  We have used number lines, part, part, whole models and subtraction by crossing out. We are continuing with this into next week to support the children with consolidating their learning. 


In science, we conducted an experiment, and which materials would be best to mend an umbrella, the children made some excellent predictions. 

Our geography topic this term is ‘The British Isles’, and we learned lots about the different countries and their capital cities.  In the coming weeks, we will delve deeper into each of the countries and some of the key locations within them. 


What fantastic week we have had! As mentioned last week we have been writing our five-sentence stories with our own innovation. The children have worked extremely hard to put into practice all they have learned, and the outcomes have been impressive. They should be very proud of their achievements. We are now moving on to our poetry unit using the text ’10 Things you can do with a Rainbow’, we think this will spark lots of interesting ideas and conversations. During next week we will be focusing on the new vocabulary within this poem and learning what each of the new words means.

Throughout maths this term it has been a real focus on numbers to 10, this week we have moved onto adding by counting on using number lines. The children have been fully engaged in their learning and working hard to consolidate their understanding of how we use the resources.

History has seen the children creating watercolour paintings whereby they have looked closely at the details within paintings from both past and present of toys. Their end products were amazing, and fun was had by all. We conducted our first experiment this week, looking at materials that are waterproof and those that are not. We made predictions and concluded our experiment as a class.


The children have been busy in Year One this week, we have now moved on to the independent writing within our talk 4 writing English lessons. Some super characters have emerged along with some interesting adjectives. As ever we have also been mindful of our Year One toolkit which supports us with our capital letters, full stops and spaces between our words. It’s exciting, as next week we will be putting into practise all that we have learned so far during this term.

Throughout maths this week we have begun with using concrete resources to develop our knowledge of part, part, whole, and transferring this knowledge to more abstract activities and beginning to represent this using addition number sentences focussing on the operation of addition and equals. The children have worked extremely hard on their presentation too, and their books look fantastic, well done!

We are now looking at the similarities and differences between toys from different time periods. This week we have looked at a ‘Diablo’ from our present time and how it may have changed from those in the past. It has sparked great discussion.



It has been a busy week in Year 1, we have moved on to writing our class innovation where we have worked on consolidating capital letters, full-stops, spaces to separate words and using some simple adjectives to describe. We cannot wait to see their own innovations which we will be starting next week.

Maths has been focusing on ordering numbers to 10 and finding one more and one less. We have used concrete materials to begin with and moved to more pictorial and abstract methods. Next week we are moving onto number bonds to 10.

Our history topic has led us to looking at Victorian toys, the children had great fun making a cup and ball using variety of everyday materials which links to our science topic.


This week has been another fantastic week in year 1 and all the children have been fully immersed into each of the areas of learning. This week in English the children have fully embraced participating in out class innovation, we have adapted the story and changed two of our characters. The children have gained lots of confidence when performing the story, keep an eye out on Seesaw for a video of this. In Maths we have been becoming more familiar with numbers to 10, identifying more and less, and representing this using mathematical symbols.

In our history lessons we have moved onto using timelines and ordering toys from their past to the present. We looked at both cars and dolls and what they were made from, we also discussed the appearance. Science has had the children really engaged as they have discovered the different properties of materials and were able to practically manipulate them.


It has been a great start to the new school year in Year One, the children have settled well. In English we have been learning the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’, and we began by making Papier Mache turnips and planting turnip seeds. The children have also began writing simple sentences and practising adding in capital letters and full stops. In Maths we have been busy working with numbers to 10 and representing them. In History we have been learning about toys form both past and present and experiencing what toys from the past were like. Our science lessons have focussed on materials and objects and how to distinguish what an object is made from. All children have also now begun daily phonics lessons and are becoming familiar with the new groups.

Class Information

Badgers Teacher: Miss Waghorne

Foxes Teacher: Miss Letch

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Ciobanu and Mrs Rakoczy

PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday

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