This week, we have been exploring rhetorical questions and how they engage the reader. We have also focused on organising our writing using subheadings to ensure our instructions are clear and easy to follow. To make our writing even more structured, we have been using numbers to sequence our steps in chronological order.
Reading- We are currently reading Chapter 6 of Leonora Bolt. The children have been learning more about Leonora as a character, discussing her bravery and creativity. We have had some great discussions about how she overcomes challenges and uses her skills to solve problems!
Maths- In Maths, we have been learning about the perimeter of a shape. The children have been measuring and calculating the total distance around different shapes, applying their knowledge to solve real-world problems.
Science- Our Science investigation this week focused on how our bones support us and help us compete in different physical activities. We explored the importance of our skeletal system and how it enables us to move, run, and play!
PSHE- This week in PSHE, we have been working on collaborating with our peers to achieve a common goal. The children have been developing teamwork skills, learning how to communicate effectively, and supporting one another to succeed.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to another exciting week of learning!
In our writing lessons, the children have been exploring instructional texts, identifying key features such as clear steps, imperative verbs, and chronological order. This will help them develop their own instructional writing skills in the coming weeks.
Within maths this week, we have been working on measuring and comparing lengths using meters, centimetres, and millimetres. The children have enjoyed practical activities to deepen their understanding of different units of measurement and when to use them.
Religious Education
This week, we have been learning about the origins of Hinduism, exploring who founded the religion and its significance in people’s lives. The children have been discussing the importance of values such as kindness, respect, and support for others.
Extra-curricular activities
The children had a fantastic time visiting Hazard Alley! They learned valuable lessons about staying safe both at home and at school. This hands-on experience helped them understand potential hazards and how to respond in emergencies. Furthermore, what a wonderful day we had celebrating our love for books! The children enjoyed sharing stories, dressing up as their favourite characters, and taking part in activities that highlight the joy of reading. Thank you for your support in making this day so special!
We have had a fantastic week of learning to begin the spring two term.
This week, the children have been exploring instructional writing using story maps. They have been learning how to sequence ideas clearly and use key features such as time connectives and imperative verbs. This has been a great way to develop their understanding of how to structure instructions effectively.
Reading ‘Leonora Bolt’
We have started reading our new book, Leonora Bolt, which has already sparked lots of curiosity and discussion! The children are enjoying getting to know the characters and predicting what might happen next. We encourage you to ask your child about the story and their thoughts on it so far.
Mathematics ‘Length and Measurement’
Our new maths topic focuses on length and measurement. The children have been measuring different objects, comparing lengths, and beginning to understand standard units of measurement. Practical activities have helped reinforce these concepts in a fun and engaging way.
Science ‘The Human Body and Animals’
In Science, we have been learning all about the human body and different animals. The children have been identifying key body parts and understanding their functions, as well as comparing how animals bodies work differently from our own.
Year 3 will be visiting Hazard Alley Safety Centre as part of our PSHE topic “staying safe in the environment”. The trip will take place on Monday 3rd March. We will be leaving school at 9am so we ask that your child arrives promptly at 8:40am.
Your child will need to bring a packed lunch, water bottle and their coat
A fabulous end to spring one term😊
This week, the children have been working on an independent write of a portal story. They have used their imaginations brilliantly, creating exciting worlds and adventurous narratives. Ask your child about the portal they designed and where it led their characters! Within maths, our focus has been on multiplication and division word problems. The children have been developing their problem-solving skills and applying their knowledge in real-life contexts. You can support them at home by encouraging them to explain their thinking when solving everyday maths problems. In reading we have now finished our Romans on the Rampage book this week! The children have really enjoyed this fun and engaging book, and it has been a great way to deepen their understanding of Roman history alongside our topic work. Also, To complete our Rocks unit, the class has been making their own fossils! This hands-on activity has helped them understand how fossils are formed and why they are important in learning about the past. Lastly, within PSHE this week we have been focusing on road safety, learning how to stay safe as pedestrians and cyclists. Please encourage your child to practice safe road habits when walking or cycling in the community.
A challenging but fun week of learning 😊
In Writing, the children have been using their previous planning and boxing up to create exciting portal stories through shared writing. The children have been very engaged and not afraid to share ideas. In Maths this week, we have been working hard on long division, applying it alongside other algorithms we have learned. The children have shown great perseverance in tackling complex problems and developing their confidence with these methods.
Within PSHE this week, we have wrapped up our ‘keeping safe in our environment topic, reflecting on how we can make safe and responsible choices in different environments. Looking ahead, we are excited for our trip next term, which will provide a great opportunity to consolidate our learning in a hands-on way.
A massive thank you to all the children for their hard work during assessments this week. Their focus and determination have been wonderful to see!
The year three team look forward to welcoming parents next week for our parents’ evenings, where we will discuss your child’s achievements and next steps.
Within writing this week year three have been exploring and working on boxing up as part of our innovation stage. These techniques are helping the children to better organize their ideas and structure their writing in a clear and engaging way. It has been a pleasure to work alongside the children and see their creativity and imagination skills develop. In maths, we are continuing to consolidate two-digit by one-digit multiplication, using two different algorithms. This is really helping the children to deepen their understanding of the process and gain confidence in solving a variety of problems.
In reading this week, the children are thoroughly enjoying Romans on the Rampage in our guided reading sessions. They are learning about the exciting history of the Romans while also improving their reading comprehension skills. It has been a fun and engaging way to explore both history and literacy!
Finally, within Design Technology, the children are getting creative by designing and sketching their own Roman chariots! They have been practicing their drawing and labelling skills as they bring their ideas to life. This project has helped them to understand the principles behind both design and construction
Thank you for the week!
We are also thrilled to see a big improvement in the children’s presentation this week. Well done to everyone for taking pride in their work and showing such effort in making it look neat and organised!
Within English this week, year three have enjoyed working with poetry for the first time this term. The children have been learning the tune of a text by writing their own repetitive poem. It’s been a great way for them to get creative with language while also understanding structure and rhythm. In maths, we’ve been working on multiplying two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. The children have been practising using different strategies to solve these problems, and they’re becoming more confident in their multiplication skills. Also, within our PSHE, our focus has been on understanding good and bad habits. The children have been reflecting on their own habits and discussing ways to develop positive routines in their lives. In history, we’ve been learning about the Roman Empire and how it changed Britain. The children have been exploring the impact of Roman rule on Britain’s culture, infrastructure, and daily life. Lastly, in Religious Education, we’ve been studying the Five Pillars of Islam. The children have been learning about the key principles that guide the lives of Muslims and how these pillars support their faith.
A big thank you from the year three team!
We’d like to take a moment to thank both parents and children for your continued support in home reading and homework. It’s been wonderful to see such an increase in engagement this week.
Another busy but wonderful week in year three
This week in English, we've been using drama to create vibrant setting descriptions for our portal story. The children have enjoyed bringing the scenes to life through role-play, which is really helping to deepen their understanding of descriptive writing. In maths, we've been exploring multiplication and division families. The children have been practicing how these operations are related, strengthening their mental maths skills and number fluency. In DT, we've been learning about Roman chariots. The children have had a great time discovering how these incredible machines were built and used in ancient times.
In science, we have continued our investigation into rocks. The children have been learning about different types of rocks and their properties, conducting experiments to observe their features in more detail.
It's been a busy week full of fun learning! We look forward to another exciting week ahead. Have a great weekend and thank you for your continued support!
The Year 3 Team
What a wonderful start to spring term Year Three has had! This week in English, we have been loving our new model text, “Elf Road.” The story has been both exciting and magical, and we’ve enjoyed discussing the characters, setting, and plot. In Science, we explored rocks for the very first time! We learned about different types of rocks, such as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic, and had the chance to look at real samples. We also discovered how rocks are formed and where we can find them. In Maths, have begun learning about division for the first time this year. We started by learning about sharing and grouping, and then moved on to using division facts to solve problems. We’ve been practicing with both numbers and word problems, and the class has made excellent progress. It’s been great to see everyone gaining confidence and becoming more comfortable with division.
It’s been a fantastic week full of learning, exploring, and having fun. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store!
Year three have had a busy but superb week of learning. Within English, we have innovated our information text 'monster' through story maps and drama. We can now look forward to the hot right and edit next week. During maths, we have continued to learn our multiplication facts through the use of arrays and visual resources.
Within Physical education, this week we finished our orienteering topic all about the use of plants and how they help the world. It was wonderful to see how the children have developed their collaborative skills this term.
Alongside all this wonderful learning, the children worked so hard on our Christmas performance, learning all their lines and actions. The year three team would like to say a huge thankyou to all the children for being so brave and wonderful.
Year 3 have had an superb week!
In our English lessons, we have been focusing on toolkits and boxing up our information text 'monsters' ready for next weeks innovation stage where the children will story map and write their own.
In maths, we have a brilliant start to our multiplication topic, using rolling numbers and arrays to support the children's engagement and understanding.
After many weeks of learning all about greenhouses, the children have finally started to create their own models using a multiple selection of resources. To begin the festivities, we have been learning our Christmas songs for the performance next week.
This week, Year 3 have been working hard in maths to strengthen our understanding of word problems that include addition and subtraction. The children have been able to use bar models to show this and support their working out. In writing, we have used our non-fiction text ‘monsters’ to develop our understanding of subheadings and statistics. Within science we continue to explore plants including the key functions of each part and how this is imperative to support healthy growth. To finish the week, we enjoyed a challenging but fun orienteering task that linked to our geography on the rainforests.
This week has been amazing the children really enjoyed the school birthday celebrations - although they found the Victorian Classroom strange and especially as Master Maye and Mistress Gilkes would not allow the boys and girls to mix (they were not even allowed to play in the same area at morning playtime!), just like in the Victorian era.
As you are all probably well aware by now after our exciting hook lesson were we found some interesting white footprints and even a huge shiny silver egg! Our new writing genre has started 'Monsters' they will be creating their own information texts. Please ask the children to act out our class story map because they have been incredible at learning all these facts.
In maths we are continuing to use the formal method to subtract using regrouping and renaming (knocking next door and asking for ten/hundred more). We have started regularly assessing the children's times tables knowledge and we will be sending home their completed assessments and spare copies for them to practise at home. We have started right at the start with the 10 times tables progressing to the 5's, 2's, 3's and 4's. Each child will need to complete each table twice before they move onto the next one any practice that they can do on Times Tables Rockstars (all children will have their logins at the back of their reading logs).
Our new topic is the Brazilian Rainforest- and the children have been extremely engaged and are enjoying learning new facts about how the rainforest is vital for the continued health of our planet.
This week in Maths we have started to explore subtraction of three- digit numbers using column method- this will continue into next term but with some mixed word problems.
In English they have all become writers and wrote their own portal story through innovating the class text of ‘The Garden’ and they have been brilliant especially those that use the Power of three and personification to add more detail and make it more interesting.
As the Autumn 1 term draws to a close, so ends our exploration of Ancient Egypt and we begin to look towards our new topic of Rainforests- so if any families would like to visit the local library or google some interesting facts, please feel free.
Mr Maye and Mrs Gilkes would like to thank all the parents that attended the parent, teacher meetings this week we really do appreciate the hard work that you do at home it really does make a huge difference. On that note we will be sending home some homework sheets and reading books home there is no pressure in completing them all but to paraphrase Tesco (other supermarkets are available 😊) ‘Every little helps.’
We hope you all have an enjoyable break, and we look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 6th November.
This week has been a real test (no pun intended) of the children's resilience and yet again they have impressed of all the Year 3 team. Assessment week is always challenging but everyone of them have shown how they have embraced the Spring Lane values by not giving up and trying their very best. We are so proud of you all!
However, it has not all been assessment, assessments they have shown their creative flair and using the historical knowledge they have gained this term about the ancient Egyptians by creating their own canopic jars and even attempting to preserve their own 'mummy apples '. Do not fear no internal organs were removed during this process 😉.
In our writing they have started the exciting process of becoming authors and will be starting to innovate and create their own version of this terms story The Garden and we cannot wait to see how these young writers adapt and innovate their own stories. In maths we are continuing to become more confident with using the column method and we will be beginning to challenge them by using this with more complex 3-digit numbers.
Please look out for an important letter that is due out in the next few days, which will have details of our year group trip in December where we will be visiting the Art Deco theatre.
This week Year 3 have enjoyed learning about the Ancient Egyptian gods and how they were are used to support everyday life. Within English, we have been working hard to include verbs, adverbs and preposition into our writing. In Maths, we have continued to consolidate place value, addition and subtraction and the children have worked really well.
Furthermore, science has been super fun. The children loved the practical learning when we explored how magnets work from a distance. In PSHE this week, we enjoyed our workshop with the Mental Health support Team. The workshop focused building the children’s and resilience and independence.
For more information with this please visit; NHFT. Nhs.uk/HMST
Well done Year 3!
This week, Year 3 have been using the power of three and personification to add description and for their writing to become more exciting.
We would love to see more videos on seesaw of the children showing and retelling you this term's text 'The Garden'. In maths, we have been continuing to investigate 3-digit numbers and identifying patterns. Even adding in 4's 8's and even 50's! Please look on seesaw for some fantastic rolling 3 times table practice we have been doing. In history and art we continue our topic of Ancient Egypt and have been learning all about hieroglyphics and canopic jars.
We both would like to remind you that PE days are Wednesday and Friday and request that all earrings are removed on those days.
Firstly, Mr Maye and Mrs Gilkes would like to say how impressed we have both been with how well the children have settled into the demands of being in Key Stage 2 and Year 3.
This week we have been busy learning our new story " The Garden" through actions and story maps.
In maths we are focussing on place value and recognising hundreds, tens and ones and even into the thousands, alongside learning their 3 times tables and becoming fluent in their 2's, 5's and 10's.
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