Year 2

Year 2 Latest News


What an incredible week it has been for our Year 2 children!

Their enthusiasm, resilience, and dedication to learning have truly shone through, making us incredibly proud of their achievements.

This week, the children worked on innovating their "Letter from the Giant" writing task. We explored the success criteria together, identifying key elements needed to make their letters engaging and interesting for the reader. Their creativity and writing skills have absolutely stunned us — it’s been amazing to see their ideas come to life!

In Maths, we reached the end of our Pictograms chapter, using the last few days to apply our learning by solving word problems. The children demonstrated great confidence in interpreting data and problem-solving independently.

Our reading lessons have been based on the fictional story "The Lion Inside". The children actively engaged in predicting what might happen next and used their inference skills to explore the emotions of the characters throughout the story. Their thoughtful discussions and insights have been wonderful to see.

A major highlight of the week has been our assembly performance! The children have practised consistently, showing dedication and enthusiasm in every rehearsal. Their hard work paid off, and they delivered a tremendous performance. A huge thank you to the parents who attended—we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Well done, Year 2! You have been truly outstanding this week, and we can’t wait for even more exciting learning adventures ahead!


Year 2 have had super week. Our focus in maths has been on pictograms and

how to use these. In writing, we have been exploring how and why we use

rhetorical questions in a letter and the use of past tense to explain what has

happened to the reader.

We have continued exploring Kenya in geography and have been learning all

about the different animals that live there and what they need to survive. We

found out that lions live 8n groups called prides, that rhinos are herbivores

and that giraffes are the tallest land animal in the world!

Science has been hard work this week and we have been finding out why it’s

for humans to exercise and took part in lots of fun exercises to see what

happened to our heart rate. We learnt the faster and longer we move, the

higher of heart rate goes.

Within PE, we have continued to learn new playground games which the

children have enjoyed playing during their break and lunch time. It’s great to

see them collaborating and enjoying playing together.

Finally, we have been busy practising our assembly to show you all on World

Poetry day on Friday 21st March…please save the date! 


This week in Year 2, the children have been exploring the actions of the characters in the Giant’s letter text map. They’ve enjoyed stepping into the shoes of different characters, including the Giant, Jack, and his Mum, through a hot-seating activity. The children asked insightful questions, helping them to better understand each character’s emotions and motivations. As part of our writing focus, we introduced the idea of crafting engaging letter openings, where the children explored a variety of synonyms to enhance their writing. 

In reading, our book of the week was The Ugly Five. The children were highly engaged in the story and had fun predicting what would happen next. Their enthusiasm for the text was evident as they discussed the characters and plot in depth. 

In Maths, Year 2 began learning about temperature. The children had the opportunity to use thermometers to measure and read temperatures in degrees Celsius, providing them with a hands-on understanding of how temperature is measured. 

In Geography, we continued our exploration of Kenya, focusing on the weather and climate. The children worked in together to decide what to pack for a trip to Kenya, considering the local weather conditions. 

In Science, our topic on survival continued as we investigated the basic needs of animals. The children learned that while all animals need shelter, food, water, and air, the environments in which they live can vary greatly depending on their species. 

Lastly, the excitement of World Book Day filled the classroom as the children proudly shared their costumes with one another. They also created their own bookmarks, comic strips, designed book covers, and participated in a thrilling book scavenger hunt, celebrating the joy of reading in creative and engaging ways. 

It’s been another fantastic week in Year 2!


This week Year 2 have enjoyed starting our new piece of text in Writing, with missing egg posters around the school and a giant reading us his letter to introduce us to it. We then went onto learn the text using a text map and add actions to this. We have also been looking at where Kenya is in the world within our Geography learning, using knowledge of continents to help us. In our Science learning we have looked at what humans need to survive, looking at why food is essential and what other things we cannot live without. We have also spent the week completing our practice SATs papers in reading, SPaG and Maths, the Year 2 teachers are super proud of all of Year 2 for working so hard in all of the papers this week. Well done Year 2! 


What a fantastic week it has been for our Year 2 children! As we reach the end of this term, we couldn’t be prouder of their resilience, enthusiasm, and hard work right up until the very last week. Their dedication to learning has truly shone through in every subject!

This week, the children completed their final writing task based on Jack and the Beanstalk, adding their own unique twists to the classic Defeating the Monster tale. Their creativity and storytelling skills have been incredible, producing some truly impressive independent writing.

In Maths, we wrapped up our chapter on Mass, where the children tackled word problems with confidence and skill. Their ability to apply their learning to problem-solving has been wonderful to see!

During our reading lessons, we explored The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. The children thoroughly engaged with the poem, showing a fantastic understanding and appreciation of its rhythm and meaning.

We also said a fond farewell to our Victorians topic in History. This has been a favourite among the children, with so much excitement and curiosity shown each week as they learned about this fascinating period in time.

As we head into a well-deserved break, we want to thank all of our Year 2 children for their hard work and dedication. We hope they have a restful and enjoyable holiday, and we can’t wait to welcome them back for another exciting term filled with new learning adventures!

Enjoy the break, Year 2 – we are so proud of you!


Within our English lessons, we have completed our shared write using our knowledge and understanding of the power of three (adjectives), expanded noun phrases and dynamic verbs, to transform Emily and the Baby Dragon into a thrilling read which grabs the readers attention. 


We have been focusing on consolidating the use of the correct mathematical words to compare different weights, in grams and kilograms, with accuracy.   


In computing, we have continued our coding unit. We now understand what algorithms are and how to create and debug simple programs. 

During our art lesson, we have learnt pastel techniques and tints/tones. Our artwork is linked to ‘The Victorians’, so we have explored work by the famous Victorian era artist – William Morris. 


Our orienteering skills have greatly improved with us using a new map to locate markers. We have worked in small groups and developed our leadership and communication skills too. 


This week in Year 2, we were excited to discover that the classic tale of Jack and the Beanstalk had been reimagined as Emily and the Baby Dragon. We brought the story to life by describing the characters using powerful adjectives in threes, delving into their emotions, and using dynamic verbs to describe their movements. In Maths, we focused on measuring mass in grams and comparing different weights with precision.

In Reading, we thoroughly enjoyed Daisy Saves the Day, stepping into the roles of reporters to gather information from the text and organisers to sequence key events in the story. In History, we investigated the stark contrast between the lavish homes of the wealthy and the cramped, unsanitary conditions of the poor during the Victorian era.

Our science lessons continued to explore habitats, examining how living things are uniquely adapted to thrive in their environments. Finally, in RE, we have been learning about the events surrounding Jesus' life.


Year 2 have had a super start to the Spring term. We were all excited to find a beanstalk had grown in each classroom over the school holiday! We soon realised this was something to do with Jack and a towering, fierce and angry giant! In maths we have been measuring length in metres using metre rulers. We then compared lengths using these symbols:  <, >, =. 

During our history lesson we started to learn about Queen Victoria and the Victorian era. We wrapped up for our science lesson and whilst on a hunt for micro habitats, we found a snail and lots of worms. 

In PSHE, we used the NSPCC information and learnt that  ‘Privates are private’ and ‘No means no’. 


This week Year 2 have had a great week with showing our grownups our Christmas performance. We were so proud that all our hard work had paid off. Within our Maths learning this week, we have been looking at division and multiplication understanding what inverse means. In our English we have been innovating our text The Vampire Dragon.  We have enjoyed learning all about Judaism in our RE day and the rules that Jewish people live by. 


We have been extremely busy in Year 2 this week! In maths we have been exploring how knowing our multiplication facts helps us with our division and have been using these to help us build number families. 

In our writing this week, we have been writing our own questions that we like to ask our dragon. 

In science, we continue to investigate plants and are correctly naming the steps from seed to plant. Finally in geography, we have been thinking about different climates, particularly very hot and very cold. We had great fun thinking about  what we would need if we were to travel to those destinations. 


Year 2 have had a great week in writing looking in more detail at non-fiction texts and the use of sub-headings. We have used our research skills to find facts on dragons to fit with the correct subheadings. 

In maths, we have continued to look at multiplication we have used arrays, rolling numbers and number sticks to help with our learning.

Within science, we have looked at the fruit that we eat and the seeds that come from these. Geography has been all about the different continents of the world. 


Year 2 have had a great week in writing looking in more detail at non-fiction texts and the use of sub-headings. We have used our research skills to find facts on dragons to fit with the correct subheadings. In maths we have continued to look at multiplication we have used arrays, rolling numbers and number sticks to help with our learning.

Within science we have looked at the fruit that we eat and the seeds that come from these. Geography has been all about the different continents of the world. 


This week, Year 2 have had a great week with the celebration of Spring Lane turning 150 years old. We had a great day with celebration themed maths and English and then making party decorations for our celebration. 

In English, we have started our new text 'The Vampire Dragon', we have enjoyed coming up with actions and images for our text map. In maths we have been focusing on our 2 and 5 times tables, we have had lots of fun using rolling numbers and counting sticks. Science this week we looked at plants, discussing which plants are edible and which are not. 


Year 2 have had a fantastic week looking at our poem '10 Things in a Dragons Pocket', we created actions and imaged to represent the poem and looked into the meaning of the words in the poem and synonyms for the different adjectives. We ended the week with exploring rhyming words. 

Within our maths learning we have looking at column subtraction with renaming, we used lots of practical resources to help support our learning and to "knock on the door".

We have also spent some time looking at Black History in the UK, we looked at significant people in Black History and ordered them chronologically. 

We ended the week with a visit from 'The Life Education Bus' and we have a workshop on our feelings.


This week has been an exciting journey of creativity and exploration! In English, we took our first steps into poetry by crafting imaginative poems about dragons. The students embraced their creativity, weaving together vivid imagery and emotion.

In Maths, we focused on simple subtraction, using concrete resources like counters, alongside pictorial methods and abstract learning. This hands-on approach helped solidify their understanding of the concepts.

Our science lesson was particularly fun as we designed our own swimming pools! We investigated different materials to determine which were waterproof, sparking curiosity and practical thinking.

Finally, in history, we delved into the fascinating life of Queen Victoria. Students researched her reign, learning about her impact as our royal monarch. This week has truly been a blend of creativity, practical skills, and historical discovery, making for a rich and engaging learning experience!


The children have made immense progress with their writing as they have produced a phenomenal independent write whilst also focusing on their presentation. With this being their first independent write this academic year, their teachers are truly proud of what they have accomplished and produced in their writing books. See our photos to see our exceptional writing from Year 2.

In our maths lessons, we have continued our calculation of column addition by adding to two-digit numbers with two-digit numbers. Furthermore, we have challenged the children add two-digit numbers by renaming. It has been a challenging concept as this is the first time they have been exposed to this. However, they have truly been resilient to grasp the concept. 

Our history learning objective have been based on understanding the similarity and difference between King Charles and King Henry. The children were able to explain verbally as well as write a comparison between the two.


In English, we’ve been innovating the story of "Anna and the Greedy Wolf." The children explored how to describe the time of day and weather, enhancing their storytelling skills with vivid details.

In maths, we recapped our understanding of tens and ones and began introducing addition. Through hands-on activities, the children are developing a solid foundation in these essential concepts.

Our science lessons continued to focus on materials, where students learned to identify and categorize different types, fostering their curiosity about the world around them.

In history, we delved into timelines, focusing on our royal family. The students gained a better understanding of historical events and their significance.


This week in Year 2, in our history lessons we have been learning all about the timeline of the British monarchy and our different Kings and Queens. We had a treasure hunt around the school to find the different monarchs and put them in the correct chronological order. Within our science, we have looked at the properties of different materials and their uses.

Our maths learning this week has been about counting forwards and backwards in our 2, 5, and 10s. We used lots of concrete resources to help us with this and practiced our times tables using rolling numbers.

Within our English we have been looking at verbs, adverbs and adjectives, understanding their meaning and using these to uplevel sentences from the story of Kassim and the Greedy Dragon.


As we settle into the new school year, we’re thrilled to share how seamlessly the children have transitioned back into their learning routines. In English, our focus on the captivating story "Kassim and the Greedy Dragon" has truly captured the students' imaginations. They are actively engaged and enthusiastically participating in discussions. In Maths, we’ve been diving into place values with hands-on activities using concrete resources like base-ten blocks and place value mats, which have proven to be both effective and enjoyable for the students.

Our topic of study, "Kings and Queens," has sparked curiosity as we explore the intriguing question, "What is the role of a monarch?" The children are developing a deeper understanding of history and the significance of leadership. Additionally, our PSHE lessons are grounded in our core school values: Resilience, Integrity, and Respect. Through various activities and reflections, the students are learning to embody these principles in their daily interactions, fostering a supportive and respectful learning environment. Overall, it’s been a fantastic start to the year, and we’re excited to continue this journey of growth and discovery with our students.

Class Information

Turtles Teachers: Mrs Stewart and Miss Vella

Penguins Teacher: Mr Islam

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Fox and Miss Brittain

PE Days: Monday and Friday

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