The children have been working incredibly hard again this week!
In maths lessons we started our unit on decimals, we focused on reading and writing decimal numbers at the start of the week and then moved on to comparing decimals.
In English lessons we have been developing our understanding of techniques used in persuasive letter writing. We have focused on how to include boastful language and the importance of topic sentences to begin each paragraph.
We are nearing the end of our class read 'Wolf Brother' and the children have been developing their inference and summarising skills to explain what has been happening in the build up to the story ending.
In science we had fun learning about friction, we particularly enjoyed experimenting with jelly cubes, some were plain and some were dipped in vegetable oil and the children had to try to pick them up. They quickly realised which ones had a smaller force of friction!
This week, Year 5 have shown incredible adaptability while working in the hall to allow the Year 6 children to use our classrooms for their mock SATs. They handled the room change with great resilience and took the opportunity to strengthen their fluency in place value and mental arithmetic during maths lessons.
In English, we continued our work on persuasive writing, focusing on the power of positive language and its impact on the reader. World Book Day on Thursday was a huge success—thank you to everyone who took part with such enthusiasm!
To round off the week, Friday afternoon was filled with hands-on learning as students explored using card and split pins to create levers and linkages as part of our Mechanical Posters unit.
Finally, a big thank you to everyone who has already completed some of the homework tasks—the creativity on display so far has been wonderful!
Firstly, it was lovely to be able to talk with so many of you at parents evening earlier this week, the children have worked very hard so far this year and it was wonderful to be able to discuss this with you! We have been looking at Tyger by William Blake in English this week, practicing our performance skills and analysing the poem to find its hidden meanings. Maths has been all about fractions, as we come towards the end of this topic we have been adding and subtracting them. We have also started to explore multiplying fractions against whole numbers. Since we have come to the end of our topics in history and science, we consolidated our learning by creating double page spreads with all the information we have gathered over the half term. In art, we designed and made our own Stone Age jewellery! Well done for another productive half term year 5!
This week the children have worked incredibly hard on their assessments. Well done to everyone for being so resilient!
In our English lessons, we have been writing our independent warning tales, we selected a scary, abandoned setting and warned the main character not to go there. Of course they didn't listen and went to explore anyway. This has led to some fantastic descriptions using the five senses, power of three and personification to really scare the reader.
In our curriculum lessons we have been working hard on our presentation skills to really show off our new learning. We spent some time in history learning about the Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands, in art we designed some iron age jewellery and in science we experimented with an irreversible reaction - what happens when we mix vinegar and sodium bicarbonate?
We've had another very busy week in Year 5. In our maths lessons, we have been comparing fractions using a range of practical, pictorial and abstract methods. In our English lessons, we have continued to learn about different techniques to build suspense in order to scare the reader and we started planning our class warning tales. In our science lesson this week, we explored different methods of separating mixtures, this included sieving, filtering and evaporating. In history, we learnt about the typical Stone Age diet and we were shocked by some of the things they ate. We linked this to our learning in art, in which we used pigments to make our own paint and created cave painting style artwork.
Firstly, a huge well done to all the children in Year 5 for making a great start to the new year. This week we have started a new topic in maths, interpreting data from graphs and tables. In English lessons we have started learning the story map for 'The Caravan'. In history and art lessons we have started learning about the Stone Age, cave paintings and prehistoric farming and hunting.
Homework has been given out for this term and as always, please continue to read with your child at home regularly. Any questions about this, please ask.
Year 5 have certainly finished this term with a bang! Some children in the year group had a wonderful time at our residential, where they took part in a range of exciting activities such as trampolining, rock climbing, dodgeball, tennis and more. They showed real bravery and made it a lovely experience! In writing, we have been planning and writing winter themed poems, along with working on our use of metaphors. We have finished our class novel 'Treason' and are now ready to move on to our next book after the break. The Kingfishers and Toucans have had a very creative week, we have completed winter themed art and have worked on translating the skills we used in our final art project with a theme of their choice. Across the classes, we have received some amazing homework! We are very impressed with the effort that has been going into the children's home learning so far this year.
Year 5 have worked very hard, and we hope you all have a well-earned rest over the break!
It has been a very busy week for Year 5. We have completed a maths unit on solving word problems using multiple operations and practiced using the bar model to help us solve tricky problems. In our English lessons, we completed our 'Hot write', on our own type of dragon, we were amazed with the creativity and thoughtfulness that went into designing and writing about these dragons. In geography we used 4-figure grid references to explain where some of the wanders of the USA are located. Of course we also had our fabulous Christmas performance this week, thank you very much to everyone who came to watch and support our children.
We have received some fantastic homework over the last few days, many children have completed the maths sheets and created posters and drawings at home. Finally, as always, please ensure your child is reading a minimum of three times per week, and that the title of the book is written in their reading diary, dated and signed.
It has been another lovely week in year 5!
In Maths, we have started to explore how to solve multi-step word problems, using more than one operation. This has been a big step in our learning journey, and the children have been very resilient when completing them! If you would like to support your child at home with this, a sheet with some similar questions will be coming home with them. The children have been very engaged in our Reading lessons as we get further into our class story of Treason, and we have just completed and edited our shared write of an information text about a dragon!
Amazing America has continued to be an interesting topic for us, as we spent our Geography lesson exploring and comparing our local area to the States in North America. They have also spent two weeks working in small groups to create a collage of the map of the USA using a range of techniques that we have learnt in our Art lessons. Continuing with our creativity, we spent an afternoon preparing our props ahead of our Christmas performance next week, we hope to see you there!
As always, please continue to encourage reading at home for at least 15 minutes per day and remember to log these reading sessions in the reading record.
This week we have been working incredibly hard in maths lessons to divide 4-digit numbers. As a year group, our preferred method is the bus stop method, please see the photos of this method. We are sending home some practice sheets as homework so if you would like to support your child further at home with this, please complete the questions on the sheet.
In English lessons this week we've been developing a profile for our own dragon, drawing a map of where they would live and describing important details about our dragon.
In science we explored which materials are magnetic and some of us were surprised that not all metals stuck to the magnet.
In PSHE we had some visitors from the mental health team on Tuesday who delivered a workshop on anxiety and gave the children some strategies of how to cope when they start to feel worried. They also provided us with some breathing techniques to calm down.
It has been another productive week for the Toucans and Kingfishers! Our maths lessons have focused on multiplication, moving from 2 digit by 1 digit up to multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. They have worked very hard to explore a range of methods to achieve this, including the column method. We have continued to practice our story map in writing and have dived into the structure of our text, looking at how the use of language can paint an image in the readers mind by drawing our own version of the Storm Dragon!
Our science lesson included an exciting experiment to explore which materials make the best thermal insulators as part of our topic - properties of materials. The children spent some time independently researching the points of longitude and latitude of three chosen states from the USA in geography, creating a climate report! Our work on America continued in our art lesson, where they practiced using different fonts and types of writing ahead of our final project later in the term. We have also completed role play based on how to respond to each other respectfully in conversations through PSHE and used our coding skills to develop a catching game in computing. Overall, year 5 have had another great week!
Please continue to encourage your children to read at least three times a week, ensuring that they bring their reading record to school every day and that they complete the homework on seesaw throughout the term.
Year 5 have kicked off the new half term with some excellent learning to help them settle back into school. This week, we have started our new Geography topic - Amazing America! The children used their map and atlas skills to plot different places and landmarks across North America. In Science we made oobleck to explore the properties of solids, liquids and gas. There was a lot of excitement on Thursday, when a dragon visited the year 5 classrooms and left Storm Dragon eggs, which we have been using as part of our writing! Finally, we had a great start to our Art lessons by mark making and using a range of pressures to add levels of depth to our drawings and finished our week with a lovely whole school trip to the cinema!
In Year 5 we have been using our knowledge of times tables fluency facts to develop our understanding of prime numbers and composite numbers in maths lessons.
In English lessons we have written some fantastic short burst poetry, using similes, metaphors and detailed expanded noun phrases.
We had a focus on the British Value democracy in our reading lessons this week. We read the story 'Sofia Valdez, Future Prez' and discussed how resilient Sofia was when people wouldn't listen to her at the start of the story and how at the end, the community came together to sign a petition to make a positive change. We also discussed how it is important to have democracy in our society.
On Friday, we had a visit from the Coram Life Education programme, who provided the children with some advice on friendships and communication which links to our PSHE curriculum.
It has been another productive and busy week for year 5! In maths, we have finished our unit on addition and subtraction, working hard on our presentation along with picking out key language in the questions to tell us which operation we need to use. We have spent our English lessons writing our own finding tales based on our class text - Dobber and the Silver Ring. The children have worked very hard on these, resulting in some very creative pieces of work! Our DT project has also been completed this week, with the children using different types of cuts and joins to make their own Tudor house. The Kingfishers and Toucans have dedicated a lot of time preparing for our Black History Month assembly, which we hope you enjoyed!
Please remember to encourage your children to read regularly at home and sign this in their reading records. The expectation is at least three reads every week.
This week has been very productive for Year 5! In maths, we have started addition and subtraction as a new unit. The children have been exploring both operations through number lines and the column method. In writing, we have been boxing up Dobber and the Silver Ring and have started to write our class version of the text. This is a great chance for the class to use their learning about inverted commas, fronted adverbials and description. During history this week, we have created leaflets all about how the rich Tudors lived, detailing their jobs, homes and diet. Finally, we have been learning all about time zones in science and exploring how the world is split into separate meridians.
This week, year 5 have been completing some drama around our class text - Dobber and the Silver Ring. They have been looking at speech and the behaviours of certain characters that we have met throughout the story. Our maths lessons have focused on using our place value knowledge to arrange and compare numbers using bar models and number lines. Working in groups, we spent our history lesson creating a family tree of the most significant members of the Tudor royal family and have been outside exploring how shadows created by the sun change through the day, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed!
In Year 5 we have been learning to retell the story of 'Dobber and the Silver Ring' in our English lessons. The children have done a fantastic job of learning the words and actions. In maths, we have been improving our knowledge of place value by comparing and ordering numbers up to one million. In our reading lessons, we have read the first few chapters of Treason which has linked well to our history lessons as the main character lived in the Tudor period.
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